
Writing notes allows you stay organized with your projects.

Documentation is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Reproducibility: It serves as a guide to reproduce analysis, ensuring the results obtained are not a one-time event.

  2. Collaboration: It facilitates the sharing of knowledge and methods across teams, enhancing collaborative efforts.

  3. Clarity: It provides clear understanding about the purpose and workings of the code, making it easier to understand and modify.

  4. Onboarding: It helps new team members understand the existing projects quickly.

  5. Maintenance: It simplifies the process of updating or modifying the code in the future.

  6. Professionalism: It exhibits a professional approach to work, reflecting the best practices in data science.

You can access note by clicking the note tab in the side menu.

We allow Markdown in our note so you can create all sorts of note.

  • Text decoration

  • Tables

  • Hyperlink

Last updated