Connect to Google Sheet

Google sheet is one of the most used spreadsheet program in the world, but it has its short comings like the limited of rows, not able to create dashboard out of it and data governance.

  1. Navigate to Add Collection Page by clicking Add New Collection

  1. Find the Google Sheet Integration Item

  1. Find the instruction and enter the detail for your spreadsheet

  1. Copy the service account email and add it as your editor in your spreadsheet

To put it simply, a service account is an account used by computer to access information in Google. By adding our service account (which is managed by Google Cloud) to your spreadsheet, you are connecting your spreadsheet with our platform which is secured by Google Cloud.

  1. Copy the spreadsheet URL, sheet name, data range back to Connectome

Sheet Name can be found at the bottom of your screen

Data Range indicates which range of data will you like us to access in Connectome. An example will be A:B if you want us to access all cells in column A and column B.

  1. Press Next and you will be brought to the collection page linked to your spreadsheet!

Last updated